It was after that last one that something started to spark. My careless attempt to draw a Bob's Burger-esque character had something that seemed to pop out at me. I needed to find out what.
It was with the not-quite-11th-Doctor drawing there on the right. Could it be? The "new personal style" I had been looking for? Right under my nose? And from a half-assed imitation of another cartoon? I had to try it out some more!
It was during this page that the whole thing came together. At last! I had found a new personal style!
On a bit of a Doctor Who high, I tested the style almost exclusively on Doctor Who stuff, as well as my first self-portrait in this style in the top right (waving to the War Doctor)
Other than the full self-portrait, this day was kind of a flop with drawings. Attempt at poses turned into scribbles, an attempt at a friend's original character turned into a pencil-head with a face, and an attempt to draw Csemer Boggie ended up looking a bit more like Winona Ryder in Beetlejuice. If it wasn't for the self-portrait, the interesting little doodle above the self-portrait and the hand above that, I'd be just about too embarrassed to publicly show this page.
For some reason, my new style took a bit of a twist in today's drawings, with the Anna and Elsa (from Frozen) drawings. I'm still playing around with the style, so it's still subject to change. One friend said it reminded her of Tim Burton's art style.
Stay tuned for more drawings from my Daily Drawings project!